Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Chapter 111

The Lord is to be praised for his works.
—The psalmist resolves to praise God himself. Our exhortations and our examples should agree
together. He recommends the works of the Lord, as the proper subject, when we are praising him;
and the dealings of his providence toward the world, the church, and particular persons. All the
works of the Lord are spoken of as one, it is his work; so admirably do all the dispensations of his
providence centre in one design. The works of God, humbly and diligently sought into, shall all be
found just and holy. God's pardoning sin is the most wonderful of all his works, and ought to be
remembered to his glory. He will ever be mindful of his covenant; he has ever been so, and he ever
will be so. His works of providence were done according to the truth of the Divine promises and
prophecies, and so were verity, or truth; and by him who has a right to dispose of the earth as he
pleases, and so are judgment, or righteous: and this holds good of the work of grace upon the heart
of man, ver. #(7, 8). All God's commandments are sure; all have been fulfilled by Christ, and remain
with him for a rule of walk and conversation to us. He sent redemption unto his people, out of Egypt
at first, and often afterwards; and these were typical of the great redemption, which in the fulness
of time was to be wrought out by the Lord Jesus. Here his everlasting righteousness shines forth
in union with his boundless mercy. No man is wise who does not fear the Lord; no man acts wisely
except as influenced by that fear. This fear will lead to repentance, to faith in Christ, to watchfulness
and obedience. Such persons are of a good understanding, however poor, unlearned, or despised.

Chapter 112

The blessedness of the righteous.
—We have to praise the Lord that there are a people in the world, who fear him and serve him,
and that they are a happy people; which is owing entirely to his grace. Their fear is not that which
love casts out, but that which love brings in. It follows and flows from love. It is a fear to offend.
This is both fear and trust. The heart touched by the Spirit of God, as the needle touched with the
loadstone, turns direct and speedily to God, yet still with trembling, being filled with this holy fear.
Blessings are laid up for the faithful and their children's children; and true riches are bestowed on
them, with as much of this world's possessions as is profitable for them. In the darkest hours of
affliction and trial, the light of hope and peace will spring up within them, and seasonable relief
shall turn mourning into joy. From their Lord's example they learn to be kind and full of compassion,
as well as just in all their dealings; they use discretion, that they may be liberal in that manner which
appears most likely to do good. Envy and slander may for a time hide their true characters here,
but they shall be had in everlasting remembrance. They need not fear evil tidings. A good man
shall have a settled spirit. And it is the endeavour of true believers to keep their minds stayed upon
God, and so to keep them calm and undisturbed; and God has promised them both cause to do so,
and grace to do so. Trusting in the Lord is the best and surest way of establishing the heart. The
heart of man cannot fix any where with satisfaction, but in the truth of God, and there it finds firm
footing. And those whose hearts are established by faith, will patiently wait till they gain their point.

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