Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

that is what we need. Jesus Christ is the great Ransom; he is ever an Advocate for us, and through
him we hope to obtain forgiveness. There is forgiveness with thee, not that thou mayest be presumed
upon, but that thou mayest be feared. The fear of God often is put for the whole worship of God.
The only motive and encouragement for sinners is this, that there is forgiveness with the Lord.

Verses 5–8

It is for the Lord that my soul waits, for the gifts of his grace, and the working of his power.
We must hope for that only which he has promised in his word. Like those who wish to see the
dawn, being very desirous that light would come long before day; but still more earnestly does a
good man long for the tokens of God's favour, and the visits of his grace. Let all that devote
themselves to the Lord, cheerfully stay themselves on him. This redemption is redemption from
all sin. Jesus Christ saves his people from their sins, both from the condemning and from the
commanding power of sin. It is plenteous redemption; there is an all-sufficient fulness in the
Redeemer, enough for all, enough for each; therefore enough for me, says the believer. Redemption
from sin includes redemption from all other evils, therefore it is a plenteous redemption, through
the atoning blood of Jesus, who shall redeem his people from all their sins. All that wait on God
for mercy and grace, are sure to have peace.

Chapter 131

The psalmist's humility. Believers encouraged to trust in God.
β€”The psalmist aimed at nothing high or great, but to be content in every condition God allotted.
Humble saints cannot think so well of themselves as others think of them. The love of God reigning
in the heart, will subdue self-love. Where there is a proud heart, there is commonly a proud look.
To know God and our duty, is learning sufficiently high for us. It is our wisdom not to meddle with
that which does not belong to us. He was well reconciled to every condition the Lord placed him
in. He had been as humble as a little child about the age of weaning, and as far from aiming at high
things; as entirely at God's disposal, as the child at the disposal of the mother or nurse. We must
become as little children, Mt 18:3. Our hearts are desirous of worldly things, cry for them, and are
fond of them; but, by the grace of God, a soul that is made holy, is weaned from these things. The
child is cross and fretful while in the weaning; but in a day or two it cares no longer for milk, and
it can bear stronger food. Thus does a converted soul quiet itself under the loss of what it loved,
and disappointments in what it hoped for, and is easy whatever happens. When our condition is
not to our mind, we must bring our mind to our condition; then we are easy to ourselves and all
about us; then our souls are as a weaned child. And thus the psalmist recommends confidence in
God, to all the Israel of God, from his own experience. It is good to hope, and quietly to wait for
the salvation of the Lord under every trial.

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