Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

promises, believers have goods laid up, not for days and years, but for eternity; her fruit therefore
is better than gold.

Verses 22–31

The Son of God declares himself to have been engaged in the creation of the world. How able,
how fit is the Son of God to be the Saviour of the world, who was the Creator of it! The Son of
God was ordained, before the world, to that great work. Does he delight in saving wretched sinners,
and shall not we delight in his salvation?

Verses 32–36

Surely we should hearken to Christ's voice with the readiness of children. Let us all be wise,
and not refuse such mercy. Blessed are those who hear the Saviour's voice, and wait on him with
daily reading, meditation, and prayer. The children of the world find time for vain amusements,
without neglecting what they deem the one thing needful. Does it not show contempt of Wisdom's
instructions, when people professing godliness, seek excuses for neglecting the means of grace?
Christ is Wisdom, and he is Life to all believers; nor can we obtain God's favour, unless we find
Christ, and are found in him. Those who offend Christ deceive themselves; sin is a wrong to the
soul. Sinners die because they will die, which justifies God when he judges.

Chapter 9

Chapter Outline
The invitations of Wisdom. (1–12)
The invitations of folly. (13–18)

Verses 1–12

Christ has prepared ordinances to which his people are admitted, and by which nourishment is
given here to those that believe in him, as well as mansions in heaven hereafter. The ministers of
the gospel go forth to invite the guests. The call is general, and shuts out none that do not shut out
themselves. Our Saviour came, not to call the righteous, but sinners; not the wise in their own eyes,
who say they see. We must keep from the company and foolish pleasures of the ungodly, or we
never can enjoy the pleasures of a holy life. It is vain to seek the company of wicked men in the
hope of doing them good; we are far more likely to be corrupted by them. It is not enough to forsake
the foolish, we must join those that walk in wisdom. There is no true wisdom but in the way of
religion, no true life but in the end of that way. Here is the happiness of those that embrace it. A
man cannot be profitable to God; it is for our own good. Observe the shame and ruin of those who
slight it. God is not the Author of sin: and Satan can only tempt, he cannot force. Thou shalt bear
the loss of that which thou scornest: it will add to thy condemnation.

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