Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verse 6

Abundance of blessings shall abide on good men; real blessings.

Verse 7

Both the just and the wicked must die; but between their souls there is a vast difference.

Verse 8

The wise in heart puts his knowledge in practice.

Verse 9

Dissemblers, after all their shuffling, will be exposed.

Verse 10

Trick and artifice will be no excuse for iniquity.

Verse 11

The good man's mouth is always open to teach, comfort, and correct others.

Verse 12

Where there is hatred, every thing stirs up strife. By bearing with each other, peace and harmony
are preserved.

Verse 13

Those that foolishly go on in wicked ways, prepare rods for themselves.

Verse 14

Whatever knowledge may be useful, we must lay it up, that it may not be to seek when we want
it. The wise gain this wisdom by reading, by hearing the word, by meditation, by prayer, by faith
in Christ, who is made of God unto us wisdom.

Verse 15

This refers to the common mistakes both of rich and poor, as to their outward condition. Rich
people's wealth exposes them to many dangers; while a poor man may live comfortably, if he is
content, keeps a good conscience, and lives by faith.

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