Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

A pious and discreet woman will keep esteem and respect, as strong men keep possession of

Verse 17

A cruel, froward, ill-natured man, is vexatious to those that are, and should be to him as his
own flesh, and punishes himself.

Verse 18

He that makes it his business to do good, shall have a reward, as sure to him as eternal truth
can make it.

Verse 19

True holiness is true happiness. The more violent a man is in sinful pursuits, the more he hastens
his own destruction.

Verse 20

Nothing is more hateful to God, than hypocrisy and double dealing, which are here signified.
God delights in such as aim and act with uprightness.

Verse 21

Joining together in sin shall not protect the sinners.

Verse 22

Beauty is abused by those who have not discretion or modesty with it. This is true of all bodily

Verse 23

The wicked desire mischief to others, but it shall return upon themselves.

Verse 24

A man may grow poor by not paying just debts, not relieving the poor, not allowing needful
expenses. Let men be ever so saving of what they have, if God appoints, it comes to nothing.

Verse 25

Both in temporal and spiritual things, God commonly deals with his people according to the
measure by which they deal with their brethren.

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