Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Chapter 16

Verse 1

The renewing grace of God alone prepares the heart for every good work. This teaches us that
we are not sufficient of ourselves to think or speak any thing wise and good.

Verse 2

Ignorance, pride, and self-flattery render us partial judges respecting our own conduct.

Verse 3

Roll the burden of thy care upon God, and leave it with him, by faith and dependence on him.

Verse 4

God makes use of the wicked to execute righteous vengeance on each other; and he will be
glorified by their destruction at last.

Verse 5

Though sinners strengthen themselves and one another, they shall not escape God's judgments.

Verse 6

By the mercy and truth of God in Christ Jesus, the sins of believers are taken away, and the
power of sin is broken.

Verse 7

He that has all hearts in his hand, can make a man's enemies to be at peace with him.

Verse 8

A small estate, honestly come by, will turn to better account than a great estate ill-gotten.

Verse 9

If men make God's glory their end, and his will their rule, he will direct their steps by his Spirit
and grace. 10. Let kings and judges of the earth be just, and rule in the fear of God.

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