Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verse 22

A good wife is a great blessing to a man, and it is a token of Divine favour.

Verse 23

Poverty tells men they must not order or demand. And at the throne of God's grace we are all
poor, and must use entreaties.

Verse 24

Christ Jesus never will forsake those who trust in and love him. May we be such friends to
others, for our Master's sake. Having loved his own, which were in the world, he loved them unto
the end; and we are his friends if we do whatever he commands us, Joh 15:14.

Chapter 19

Verse 1

A poor man who fears God, is more honourable and happy, than a man without wisdom and
grace, however rich or advanced in rank.

Verse 2

What good can the soul do, if without knowledge? And he sins who will not take time to ponder
the path of his feet.

Verse 3

Men run into troubles by their own folly, and then fret at the appointments of God.

Verse 4

Here we may see how strong is men's love of money.

Verse 5

Those that tell lies in discourse, are in a fair way to be guilty of bearing false-witness.
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