Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verse 25

A gentle rebuke goes farthest with a man of understanding.

Verse 26

The young man who wastes his father's substance, or makes his aged mother destitute, is hateful,
and will come to disgrace.

Verse 27

It is the wisdom of young men to dread hearing such talk as puts loose and evil principles into
the mind.

Verse 28

Those are the worst of sinners, who are glad of an opportunity to sin.

Verse 29

The unbelief of man shall not make God's threatenings of no effect. Christ himself, when bearing
sins not his own, was not spared. Justice and judgment took hold of our blessed Surety; and will
God spare obstinate sinners?

Chapter 20

Verse 1

It seems hard to believe that men of the greatest abilities, as well as the ignorant, should render
themselves fools and madmen, merely for the taste or excitement produced by strong liquors.

Verse 2

How formidable kings are to those who provoke them! how much more foolish then is it to
provoke the King of kings!

Verse 3

To engage in quarrels is the greatest folly that can be. Yield, and even give up just demands,
for peace’ sake.

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