Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

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faith hung upon Christ. He will set before the believer an open door, which no man can shut, and
bring both body and soul to eternal glory. But those who neglect so great salvation will find, that
when he shutteth none can open, whether it be shutting out from heaven, or shutting up in hell for

Chapter 23

The overthrow of Tyre. (Is. 23:1-14) It is established again. (Is. 23:15-18)

Is. 23:1-14 Tyre was the mart of the nations. She was noted for mirth and diversions; and this
made her loth to consider the warnings God gave by his servants. Her merchants were princes, and
lived like princes. Tyre being destroyed and laid waste, the merchants should abandon her. Flee to
shift for thine own safety; but those that are uneasy in one place, will be so in another; for when
God's judgments pursue sinners, they will overtake them. Whence shall all this trouble come? It is
a destruction from the Almighty. God designed to convince men of the vanity and uncertainty of
all earthly glory. Let the ruin of Tyre warn all places and persons to take heed of pride; for he who
exalts himself shall be abased. God will do it, who has all power in his hand; but the Chaldeans
shall be the instruments.

Is. 23:15-18 The desolations of Tyre were not to be for ever. The Lord will visit Tyre in mercy.
But when set at liberty, she will use her old arts of temptation. The love of worldly wealth is spiritual
idolatry; and covetousness is spiritual idolatry. This directs those that have wealth, to use it in the
service of God. When we abide with God in our worldly callings, when we do all in our power to
further the gospel, then our merchandise and hire are holiness to the Lord, if we look to his glory.
Christians should carry on business as God's servants, and use riches as his stewards.

Chapter 24

The desolation of the land. (Is. 24:1-12) A few shall be preserved. (Is. 24:13-15) God's kingdom
advanced by his judgments. (Is. 24:16-23)

Is. 24:1-12 All whose treasures and happiness are laid up on earth, will soon be brought to want
and misery. It is good to apply to ourselves what the Scripture says of the vanity and vexation of
spirit which attend all things here below. Sin has turned the earth upside down; the earth is become
quite different to man, from what it was when God first made it to be his habitation. It is, at the
best, like a flower, which withers in the hands of those that please themselves with it, and lay it in
their bosoms. The world we live in is a world of disappointment, a vale of tears; the children of
men in it are but of few days, and full of trouble, See the power of God's curse, how it makes all
empty, and lays waste all ranks and conditions. Sin brings these calamities upon the earth; it is

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