Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Chapter 34

God's vengeance against the enemies of his church. (Is. 34:1-8) Their desolation. (Is. 34:9-17)

Is. 34:1-8 Here is a prophecy of the wars of the Lord, all which are both righteous and successful.
All nations are concerned. And as they have all had the benefit of his patience, so all must expect
to feel his resentment. The description of bloodshed suggests tremendous ideas of the Divine
judgments. Idumea here denotes the nations at enmity with the church; also the kingdom of antichrist.
Our thoughts cannot reach the horrors of that awful season, to those found opposing the church of
Christ. There is a time fixed in the Divine counsels for the deliverance of the church, and the
destruction of her enemies. We must patiently wait till then, and judge nothing before the time.
Through Christ, mercy is exercised to every believer, consistently with justice, and his name is

Is. 34:9-17 Those who aim to ruin the church, can never do that, but will ruin themselves. What
dismal changes sin can make! It turns a fruitful land into barrenness, a crowded city into a wilderness.
Let us compare all we discover in the book of the Lord, with the dealings of providence around us,
that we may be more diligent in seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness. What the mouth
of the Lord has commanded, his Spirit will perform. And let us observe how the evidences of the
truth continually increase, as one prophecy after another is fulfilled, until these awful scenes bring
in more happy days. As Israel was a figure of the Christian church, so the Edomites, their bitter
enemies, represent the enemies of the kingdom of Christ. God's Jerusalem may be laid in ruins for
a time, but the enemies of the church shall be desolate for ever.

Chapter 35

The flourishing state of Christ's kingdom. (Is. 35:1-4) The privileges of his people. (Is. 35:5-10)

Is. 35:1-4 Judea was prosperous in the days of Hezekiah, but the kingdom of Christ is the great
subject intended. Converting grace makes the soul that was a wilderness, to rejoice with joy and
singing, and to blossom abundantly. The feeble and faint-hearted are encouraged. This is the design
of the gospel. Fear is weakening; the more we strive against it, the stronger we are, both for doing
and suffering; and he that says to us, Be strong, has laid help for us upon One who is mighty.
Assurance is given of the approach of Messiah, to take vengeance on the powers of darkness, to
recompense with abundant comforts those that mourn in Zion; He will come and save. He will
come again at the end of time, to punish those who have troubled his people; and to give those who
were troubled such rest as will be a full reward for all their troubles.

Is. 35:5-10 When Christ shall come to set up his kingdom in the world, then wonders, great
wonders, shall be wrought on men's souls. By the word and Spirit of Christ, the spiritually blind
were enlightened; and those deaf to the calls of God were made to hear them readily. Those unable

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