Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

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them. Men are but earthen pots; they are broken potsherds, and are very much made so by mutual
contentions. To contend with Him is as senseless as for clay to find fault with the potter. Let us
turn God's promises into prayers, beseeching him that salvation may abound among us, and let us
rest assured that the Judge of all the earth will do right.

Is. 45:11-19 Believers may ask in prayer for what they need; if for their good, it will not be
withheld. But how common to hear God called to account for his dealings with man! Cyrus provided
for the returning Jews. Those redeemed by Christ shall be provided for. The restoration would
convince many, and convert some; and all that truly join the Lord, find his service perfect freedom.
Though God be his people's God and Saviour, yet sometimes he lays them under his frowns; but
let them wait upon the Lord who hides his face. There is a world without end; and it will be well
or ill with us, according as it shall be with us in that world. The Lord we serve and trust, is God
alone. All that God has said is plain, satisfactory, and just. As God in his word calls us to seek him,
so he never denied believing prayers, nor disappointed believing expectations. He gives grace
sufficient, and comfort and satisfaction of soul.

Is. 45:20-25 The nations are exhorted to draw near to Jehovah. None besides is able to help;
he is the Saviour, who can save without the assistance of any, but without whom none can save. If
the heart is brought into the obedience of Christ, the knee will cheerfully obey his commands. To
Christ men shall come from every nation for blessings; all that hate his cause shall be put to shame,
and all believers shall rejoice in him as their Friend and Portion. All must come to him: may we
now come to him as the Lord our Righteousness, walking according to his commandments.

Chapter 46

The idols could not save themselves, but God saves his people. (Is. 46:1-4) The folly of
worshipping idols. (Is. 46:5-13)

Is. 46:1-4 The heathen insulted the Jews, as if their idols Bel and Nebo were too hard for
Jehovah. But their worshippers cannot help them; both the idols and the idolaters are gone into
captivity. Let not God's people be afraid of either. Those things from which ungodly men expect
safety and happiness, will be found unable to save them from death and hell. The true God will
never fail his worshippers. The history of the life of every believer is a kind of abstract of the history
of Israel. Our spiritual life is upheld by his grace, as constantly as our natural life by his providence.
And God will never leave them. The Author will be the Finisher of their well-being, when, by
decays, they need help as much as in infancy. This promise to Israel, enfeebled and grown old as
a nation, is applicable to every aged follower of Christ. When compassed about with infirmities,
and perhaps those around begin to grow weary of you, yet I am He that I have promised to be, He
that you would have me to be. I will bear you up; carry you on in your way, and carry you home
at last. If we learn to trust in and love him, we need not be anxious about our remaining days or

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