Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

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as they would have them. But all they could gain by violence was, that people were brought to
outward hypocritical conformity, for consciences cannot be forced.

Chapter 52

The welcome news of Christ's kingdom. (Is. 52:1-12) The humiliation of the Messiah. (Is.

Is. 52:1-12 The gospel proclaims liberty to those bound with fears. Let those weary and heavy
laden under the burden of sin, find relief in Christ, shake themselves from the dust of their doubts
and fears, and loose themselves from those bands. The price paid by the Redeemer for our salvation,
was not silver or gold, or corruptible things, but his own precious blood. Considering the freeness
of this salvation, and how hurtful to temporal comfort sins are, we shall more value the redemption
which is in Christ. Do we seek victory over every sin, recollecting that the glory of God requires
holiness in every follower of Christ? The good news is, that the Lord Jesus reigns. Christ himself
brought these tidings first. His ministers proclaim these good tidings: keeping themselves clean
from the pollutions of the world, they are beautiful to those to whom they are sent. Zion's watchmen
could scarcely discern any thing of God's favour through the dark cloud of their afflictions; but
now the cloud is scattered, they shall plainly see the performance. Zion's waste places shall then
rejoice; all the world will have the benefit. This is applied to our salvation by Christ. Babylon is
no place for Israelites. And it is a call to all in the bondage of sin and Satan, to use the liberty Christ
has proclaimed. They were to go with diligent haste, not to lose time nor linger; but they were not
to go with distrustful haste. Those in the way of duty, are under God's special protection; and he
that believes this, will not hasten for fear.

Is. 52:13-15 Here begins that wonderful, minute, and faithful description of the office, character,
and glory of the Messiah, which has struck conviction to many of the most hardened unbelievers.
Christ is Wisdom itself; in the work of our redemption there appeared the wisdom of God in a
mystery. Those that saw him, said, Surely never man looked so miserable: never was sorrow like
unto his sorrow. But God highly exalted him. That shall be discovered by the gospel of Christ,
which could never be told in any other way. And Christ having once shed his blood for sinners, its
power still continues. May all opposers see the wisdom of ceasing from their opposition, and be
made partakers of the blood of sprinkling, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost; obeying him, and
praising his salvation.

Chapter 53

The person. (Is. 53:1-3) sufferings. (Is. 53:4-9) humiliation, and exaltation of Christ, are minutely
described; with the blessings to mankind from his death. (Is. 53:10-12)

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