Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

They come devoting themselves to God. They come disclaiming all expectations of relief and
succour from any but the Lord. Therefore they come depending upon him only. He is the Lord, and
he only can save. It points out the great salvation from sin Jesus Christ wrought out for us. They
come justifying God in their troubles, and judging themselves for their sins. True penitents learn
to call sin shame, even the sin they have been most pleased with. True penitents learn to call sin
death and ruin, and to charge upon it all they suffer. While men harden themselves in sin, contempt
and misery are their portion: for he that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but he that confesseth
and forsaketh them, shall find mercy.

Chapter 4

Exhortations and promises. (Jer. 4:1-2) Judah exhorted to repentance. (Jer. 4:3-4) Judgements
denounced. (Jer. 4:5-18) The approaching ruin of Judah. (Jer. 4:19-31)

Jer. 4:1,2 The first two verses should be read with the last chapter. Sin must be put away out
of the heart, else it is not put away out of God's sight, for the heart is open before him.

Jer. 4:3,4 An unhumbled heart is like ground untilled. It is ground which may be improved; it
is our ground let out to us; but it is fallow; it is over-grown with thorns and weeds, the natural
product of the corrupt heart. Let us entreat the Lord to create in us a clean heart, and to renew a
right spirit within us; for except a man be born again, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Jer. 4:5-18 The fierce conqueror of the neighbouring nations was to make Judah desolate. The
prophet was afflicted to see the people lulled into security by false prophets. The approach of the
enemy is described. Some attention was paid in Jerusalem to outward reformation; but it was
necessary that their hearts should be washed, in the exercise of true repentance and faith, from the
love and pollution of sin. When lesser calamities do not rouse sinners and reform nations, sentence
will be given against them. The Lord's voice declares that misery is approaching, especially against
wicked professors of the gospel; when it overtakes them, it will be plainly seen that the fruit of
wickedness is bitter, and the end is fatal.

Jer. 4:19-31 The prophet had no pleasure in delivering messages of wrath. He is shown in a
vision the whole land in confusion. Compared with what it was, every thing is out of order; but the
ruin of the Jewish nation would not be final. Every end of our comforts is not a full end. Though
the Lord may correct his people very severely, yet he will not cast them off. Ornaments and false
colouring would be of no avail. No outward privileges or profession, no contrivances would prevent
destruction. How wretched the state of those who are like foolish children in the concerns of their
souls! Whatever we are ignorant of, may the Lord make of good understanding in the ways of
godliness. As sin will find out the sinner, so sorrow will, sooner or later, find out the secure.

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