Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Jer. 11:1-10 God never promised to bestow blessings on his rational creatures, while they
persist in wilful disobedience. Pardon and acceptance are promised freely to all believers; but no
man can be saved who does not obey the command of God to repent, to believe in Christ, to separate
from sin and the world, to choose self-denial and newness of life. In general, men will hearken to
those who speak of doctrines, promises, and privileges; but when duties are mentioned, they will
not bend their ear.

Jer. 11:11-17 Evil pursues sinners, and entangles them in snares, out of which they cannot free
themselves. Now, in their distress, their many gods and many altars stand them in no stead. And
those whose own prayers will not be heard, cannot expect benefit from the prayers of others. Their
profession of religion shall prove of no use. When trouble came upon them, they made this their
confidence, but God has rejected it. His altar shall yield them no satisfaction. The remembrance of
God's former favours to them shall be no comfort under troubles; and his remembrance of them
shall be no argument for their relief. Every sin against the Lord is a sin against ourselves, and so
it will be found sooner or later.

Jer. 11:18-23 The prophet Jeremiah tells much concerning himself, the times he lived in being
very troublesome. Those of his own city plotted how they might cause his death. They thought to
end his days, but he outlived most of his enemies; they thought to blast his memory, but it lives to
this day, and will be blessed while time lasts. God knows all the secret designs of his and his people's
enemies, and can, when he pleases, make them known. God's justice is a terror to the wicked, but
a comfort to the godly. When we are wronged, we have a God to commit our cause to, and it is our
duty to commit it to him. We should also look well to our own spirits, that we are not overcome
with evil, but that by patient continuance in praying for our enemies, and in kindness to them, we
may overcome evil with good.

Chapter 12

Jeremiah complains of the prosperity of the wicked. (Jer. 12:1-6) The heavy judgments to come
upon the nation. (Jer. 12:7-13) Divine mercy to them, and even to the nations around. (Jer. 12:14-17)

Jer. 12:1-6 When we are most in the dark concerning God's dispensations, we must keep up
right thoughts of God, believing that he never did the least wrong to any of his creatures. When we
find it hard to understand any of his dealings with us, or others, we must look to general truths as
our first principles, and abide by them: the Lord is righteous. The God with whom we have to do,
knows how our hearts are toward him. He knows both the guile of the hypocrite and the sincerity
of the upright. Divine judgments would pull the wicked out of their pasture as sheep for the slaughter.
This fruitful land was turned into barrenness for the wickedness of those that dwelt therein. The
Lord reproved the prophet. The opposition of the men of Anathoth was not so formidable as what
he must expect from the rulers of Judah. Our grief that there should be so much evil is often mixed
with peevishness on account of the trials it occasions us. And in this our favoured day, and under

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