Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Chapter 36

Baruch is to write the prophecies of Jeremiah. (Jer. 36:1-8) The princes advise them to hide
themselves. (Jer. 36:9-19) The king having heard a part, burns the roll. (Jer. 36:20-32)

Jer. 36:1-8 The writing of the Scriptures was by Divine appointment. The Divine wisdom
directed to this as a proper means; if it failed, the house of Judah would be the more without excuse.
The Lord declares to sinners the evil he purposes to do against them, that they may hear, and fear,
and return from their evil ways; and whenever any one makes this use of God's warnings, in
dependence on his promised mercy, he will find the Lord ready to forgive his sins. All others will
be left without excuse; and the consideration that great is the anger God has pronounced against
us for sin, should quicken both our prayers and our endeavours.

Jer. 36:9-19 Shows of piety and devotion may be found even among those, who, though they
keep up forms of godliness, are strangers and enemies to the power of it. The princes patiently
attended the reading of the whole book. They were in great fear. But even those who are convinced
to the truth and importance of what they hear, and are disposed to favour those who preach it, often
have difficulties and reserves about their safety, interest, or preferment, so that they do not act
according to their convictions, and try to get rid of what they find troublesome.

Jer. 36:20-32 Those who despise the word of God, will soon show, as this king did, that they
hate it; and, like him, they would wish it destroyed. See what enmity there is against God in the
carnal mind, and wonder at his patience. The princes showed some concern, till they saw how light
the king made of it. Beware of making light of God's word!

Chapter 37

The Chaldean army will return. (Jer. 37:1-10) Jeremiah is imprisoned. (Jer. 37:11-21)

Jer. 37:1-10 Numbers witness the fatal effects of other men's sins, yet heedlessly step into their
places, and follow the same destructive course. When in distress, we ought to desire the prayers of
ministers and Christian friends. And it is common for those to desire to be prayed for, who will not
be advised; yet sinners are often hardened by a pause in judgments. But if God help us not, no
creature can. Whatever instruments God has determined to use, they shall do the work, though they
seem unlikely.

Jer. 37:11-21 There are times when it is the wisdom of good men to retire, to enter into their
chambers, and to shut the doors, Is. 26:20. Jeremiah was seized as a deserter, and committed to
prison. But it is no new thing for the best friends of the church to be belied, as in the interests of
her worst enemies. When thus falsely accused, we may deny the charge, and commit our cause to
Him who judges righteously. Jeremiah obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful, and would not,

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