Lighting for Digital Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots

(Elle) #1

16 Lighting for DigitaL PhotograPhy: from snaPshots to great shots

tint because it was shot with the sun just below the horizon. Figure 1.10 was shot a
few minutes after the sun rose above the horizon. In the following chapter, we will
talk in detail about how the time of day influences the color of light.

FIguRe 1.9
Shooting just before
sunrise (during the
blue hour) creates
a cool tint to the
image because the
sunlight is reflect-
ing off of the upper

FIguRe 1.10
A few minutes
later, when the sun
crests above the
horizon, the light
takes on a golden
glow—which is
why photographers
call this time the
golden hour.

Canon 20D
ISO 100
2.5 sec.
Sunlight (blue hour)

Canon 20D
ISO 100
1/4 sec.
Sunlight (golden hour)
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