Lighting for Digital Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots

(Elle) #1

chaPter 1: the five characteristics of Light 23

In direct sunlight, there is often too much contrast. Here the details in the shadows of

the tire treads merge to black. We might be able to see most of the details between

the two extremes. Yet, as shown in Figure 1.15, the camera cannot record this full

range of light and shadow. So, as the photographer, I decided to expose for the

detail in the hood and let the shadows fall where they may. As you can see, the tread

of the tires cannot be distinguished from the wheel well or from the asphalt.

As we will explore in greater detail later in the book, one option is to add light into

the shadow areas so that the dynamic range of the scene is reduced to the range that

the camera can record. In Figure 1.16, you can see can see many more shadow details

because I used two Speedlites to create fill flash (Figure 1.17).

[1-Contrast 3.tif]

FIguRe 1.17
By adding fill flash, the contrast is reduced into the dynamic range that the camera can record.
So, shadow details are revealed.

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