Okonkwo Prelims

(Joyce) #1
The e-retail of luxury fashion goods is still in its early introductory phase.
The current situation indicates that the majority of luxury brands are yet to
realize and tap the enormous market potential that exists in the e-retail econ-
omy. As a sales platform, the internet is almost unexploited by luxury fash-
ion brands and the few who have done so, approach it with apprehension.
The reluctance of luxury brands to adopt e-retail is mainly from a fear of
diluting the brand image through more product accessibility, and negatively
affecting the offline sales channels. Several luxury brands are also concerned
that the luxury retail atmosphere and overall high-impact experience cannot
be reproduced online. Another point of view is that since luxury goods are
sensory in nature and involve an innate emotional response, they cannot be
sold online because of the difficulty of reproducing the sensory attributes


luxury fashion branding

Figure 6.2 Louis
Vuitton Stores are
found in exclusive
luxury locations like the
Sandton City Shopping
Centre in South Africa

Figure 6.3 Louis
Vuitton’s ‘exclusive’
online store for the
European market. The
exclusive retail strategy
is yet to be
implemented in the US
market (2006)

The offline store

The online store
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