Okonkwo Prelims

(Joyce) #1
The offline retail location choice of luxury brands is often in the most
exclusive and prestigious districts of the world’s fashion capitals, and the
same principle of exclusive retail location ought to be applied online through
exclusive websites. Streamlining offline and online retail strategies is crucial
to generating online traffic and retaining brand loyalty.

Option six: limited e-retail

This e-retail strategy option recognizes the value of e-retail in specific
markets while overlooking other markets. Luxury brands that adopt this
option implement e-retail in a single or few markets and often leave an
unfilled market gap in other regions with a ready online consumer population.
Limited e-retail also provides a narrow range of products online, rather than
the complete product range. This strategy is currently the most widely
adopted by the few luxury fashion brands that have implemented e-retail. For
example, luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Dior (Figure 6.11) have
e-retail activities for a few markets while other brands like Giorgio Armani
(Figure 6.12) and Hermès provide a limited range of products for their online
boutiques although the brands have plans to extend their e-retail offers.
However, the limited e-retail approach is akin to telling consumers that ‘we
know it is possible to make life easier for you but we won’t’. This strategic
option indicates a rather low level of commitment to e-retail.


luxury fashion branding

Figure 6.10 Glam.com provides a combination of fashion, celebrity, trends and
style news with direct links to e-retail the websites (May 2006)
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