Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


  1. Abram Hoffer, Humphry Osmond, and John Smythies, “Schizophrenia:
    A New Approach,” Journal of Mental Science C, no. 418 (January 1954).

  2. 11 (1959): 241-566.

  3. Marvin D. Armstrong, Armand McMillan, Kenneth N. F. Shaw, “3­
    Methoxy-4-hydroxy-D-Mandelic Acid, a Major Urinary Metabolite of
    Norepinephrine,” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 25 (1957): 422-3.

  4. Julius Axelrod, “O-Methylation of Catecholamines In Vitro and In Vivo,”
    Science 126 (1957): 400.

  5. Georg Hertting, Julius Axelrod, Irwin J. Kopin, L. G. Whitby, “Lack of
    Uptake of Catecholamines After Chronic Denervation of Sympathetic
    Nerves Nature,” Nature 189 (1961): 66.

  6. Seymour S. Kety, “Central Actions of Catecholamines,” Pharmacological
    Reviews 11 (1959): 565-6.

  7. I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Joel Elkes. At that time,
    Elkes was Kety’s equivalent at St. Elizabeths Hospital, where he headed
    the Clinical Neuropharmacology Research Center, a branch of the NIMH,
    and he greatly fostered the development of biological psychiatry. We all
    miss Kety greatly.

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