Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Appendix B

NIMH and NINDB Laboratory and Branch Members

The NIMH and NINDB Annual Reports include Project Description
Sheets for every study that the Laboratories and Branches conducted.
The Principal and Other Investigators involved in each study are listed
on these sheets. Not all scientists listed in the first column (i.e., Prin­
cipal Investigators) of the following Appendices were official members
of that Laboratory or Branch. However, they were Principal Investiga­
tors of studies listed under that Laboratory or Branch, collaborating
with the official members of that Laboratory or Branch.

Adult Psychiatry Branch, NIMH

Principal Investigators
Boomer, Donald S.
Bowen, Murray
Cardon, Jr., Philippe V.
Charlton, Arlyn
Cholden, Louis S.
Day, Juliana
Deasy, Leila Calhoun
Dittmann, Allen T.
Dysinger, Robert
Elkes, Charmian
Fishman, Jacob R.
Goodrich, D. Wells
Greenberg, Harold A.
Hamburg, David A.
Hirsch, Stanley I.
Jenkins, Jr., William C.
Perry, Stewart E.
Pittenger, Robert E.
Rioch, Margaret
Ryckoff, Irving M.
Savage, Charles

Other Investigators
Alexander, Irving
Auster, Simon
Basamania, Betty
Brodey, Warren M.
Bunney, William
Cabrera, Carmen
Campaigne, Howard H.
Coelho, George
Duhl, Leonard
Duncan, Pam
Evarts, Edward V.
Farber, Leslie H. (psychiatric consultant)
Fisher, Thais
Flint, Arden
Friedman, Stanford
Geisser, Seymour
Goffman, Erving
Greenberg, Irwin
Greenhouse, Samuel W.
Hall, Edward T.
Halperin, Alexander (psychiatric consultant)
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