Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Laboratory of Biophysics, NINDB

Principal Investigators
Adelman, Jr., W. J.
Binstock, L.
Chandler, W. K.
Chang, J. J.
Cole, Kenneth S.
Dalton, J. C.

FitzHugh, R.

Goldman, D. E. (NMRI)

Hodgkin, A. L. (Cambridge)

Julian, F. (NMRI)

Kishimoto, U.

Moore, J. W.

Mullins, L. J. (Purdue)

Sjodin, R. A. (Purdue)

Whitcomb, E. R.

Other Investigators
Antosiewicz, H. A. (NBS)

Castillo, José del

Franck, U. F.

Friess, S. L. (NMRI)

Taylor, R. E.

Laboratory of Cellular Pharmacology, NIMH

Principal Investigators
Ames, Bruce N.
Bridgers, William F.
Cantoni, Giulio L.
Durrell, Jack
Gabriel, O.
Gelboin, H. V.
Greengard, O.
Haba, Gabriel de la
Jamieson, Graham A.
Kaufman, Seymour
Klee, Werner A.
Levenberg, Bruce
Levin, Ephraim
Luborsky, S. W.
Mann, Jay D.
Mudd, S. Harvey
Pollock, M. R.

(Institute of Medical Research, Mill Hill, England)
Ya rmolinsky, Michael

Other Investigators
Barnhard, Sidney

Blanc, Claude

Butler, Robert N.

Clancy, C. W.

Gellert, Martin (Naval Medical Center)

Goodfriend, Theodore

Hertzenberg, Leonard

Kalckar, Barbara (NHI)

Mars, Robert de (NIAID)

Morrison, Raymond A.

Richards, H.

Singer, Maxine (NIAMD)

Sokoloff, Louis

Szilard, Leo (Rockefeller Institute)

Tompkins, Gordon (NIAMD)

Weiss, Peter
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