Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


NIMH Oral History Collection, 1975-1978 (OH 144): John Adams,
Robert Atwell, John E. Bell, Frank Braceland, Bertram Brown, Ewald
Busse, Dale Cameron, Jerry Carter, John Clausen, Louis Cohen, Robert
Cohen, Leonard Duhl, John Eberhart, Will Edgerton, Robert Felix,
Esther Garrison, Eli Ginzberg, Robert Hewitt, Nicholas Hobbs, Herbert
Kelman, George Kingman, Lawrence Kolb, Gerald Kurtz, Gardner
Lindzey, Ivan Mensh, Alan Miller, Quigg Newton, Donald Oken,
Eliot Rodnick, John Romano, Philip Sapir, George Saslow, David
Shakow, Edwin Shneidman, Alberta Siegel, Joseph Speisman, Robert
Stubblefield, George Tarjan, George Van Staden, Louis J. West, Richard
Williams, Stanley F. Yolles.

Images from the History of Medicine.

Office of NIH History (Bethesda, MD)
Klein, Melissa K. “The Legacy of the ‘Yellow Berets’: The Vietnam
War, the Doctor Draft, and the NIH Associate Training Program.”
Unpublished typescript, 1998.

Parascandola, John. “Background Report on the Organizational History
of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Programs in PHS.” Unpublished
typescript, additional copy in the historical reference files of the Office
of the Public Health Service Historian, 1993.

NIH Almanacs (1965-1976, 1978-1981, 1983-2001): provide historical
data (events, legislative, and NIMH director chronology), information
on offices and divisions, and grant appropriation information by fiscal
year. Published annually. Available on-line at http://www.nih.gov/welcome/

NIH Data Books: Basic Data Relating to the NIH (1954, 1961-1994):
provide information on NIH extramural awards and research grants,
NIH appropriations and obligations, NIH research training appoint­
ments, positions, and personnel, national health expenditures, and
national mortality and morbidity data.
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