Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Biometrics Branch in, 14,
86, 95, 185, 193
Laboratory of Cellular
Pharmacology in, 37, 40,
77-80, 109, 112, 233,
277, 306, 309
Child Research Branch in,
60-61, 71, 81-84, 140,
189, 306, 310, 329, 330
Clinical Neuropharmacology
Research Center in, 62,
85-88, 141, 192, 209,
215, 306
clinical research in
(See also Appendix A),
57-63, 71-73, 81-95,
125-134, 169-228,
245-279, 306
Laboratory of Clinical
Science in, 41, 61, 88-95,
110, 192, 223, 267, 306,
312, 313
Laboratory of Neurobiology
in, 51, 67, 239
Laboratory of
Neurochemistry in, 39-41,
67, 95, 109-112, 224,
231, 235, 297, 306, 317
Laboratory of
Neurophysiology in,
37-39, 44, 53, 89,
115-118, 157, 185,
223-224, 234, 241,
297, 306, 318, 319
Laboratory of Psychology
in, 37, 44, 61, 71, 86,
99, 125-135, 169-181,

188-189, 197, 223-224,
306, 321, 322
Laboratory of Socio-
Environmental Studies
in, 37-39, 61-62, 71, 86,
95, 137-141, 185, 192,
257-266, 306, 323
NIMH: Professional
Services Branch, 14, 39,
137, 185, 188
NIMH: Publications and
Reports Branch, 14
National Institute of Neurological
Diseases and Blindness (NINDB),
vii-xiii, 19-56, 65-70, 75-76,
97-123, 143-165, 221-227,
220-243, 281-306
NINDB: Biometrics Branch,
25, 28
NINDB: Direct Training Branch,
25, 27
NINDB: Epidemiology Branch,
25, 28, 37
NINDB: extramural research
program, 25-28, 32, 227
NINDB: Field Investigations
and Pilot Projects Branch,
25, 27
Field Station of Perinatal
Physiology (Puerto Rico),
28, 40, 107
National Collaborative
Perinatal Project,
28-29, 32
NINDB: funding, 22, 24-25, 27
NINDB: history, vii-ix, xii-xiii,
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