Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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The Tablets
All of the preserved tablets date to the first millennium B.C.E. and appear to be from both
Babylonian and Assyrian sources.^208 The same sigla given to the tablets by Hunger and
Pingree has been used in the following list.

Table - MUL.APIN: Tablets Under Examination
Siglum Museum Number
A BM86278
B K13254
C BM34814+35708
E AO7540
F K3852
G K15929
H BM76505
J Rm319
K BM32311
L BM45922
M N1463
N BM33779
O K3020
Q Rm322
R BM35207
T BM41218
V BM33791
W BM33728
X BM32626

(^208) The following tablets have been inspected: C, H, J, L, R, W and GG. For all of the other tablets the pho-
tographs and drawings in the publications have been consulted where possible, or, failing that, the translit-
eration in the score edition in AfO 24 has been utilised.

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