H i 1 u]rta pears as a logogram in G.
FF i 14 d Nin-urta
M89 K ii 1 A ii 7 d]el-la-ma-tú Iš-tar NIM.MA-tu (^4) is written syllabically in K. OV – The divine title Ištar Elamatu
FF i 15 d Iš-tar NIM.MA-tu (^4)
M90 A ii 8 EN er-ṣe-tu 4 OV – The divine title bēl erṣeti, ap-
G 6 EN KI-tì H i 3 ]tu pears as a logogram in G, K and FF.
K ii 2 EN KI[^4
FF i 16 EN KI-tì
(^) M91 A ii 9 a-ri-bu MUL (^) d Adad (^) OV(l) – The title Aribu kakkab Adad
K ii 3 a-ri-bi MUL d Adad appears as Aribi kakkab Adad in K.^273
(^) M92 A ii 10 (^) d Ša-la šu-bu-ul-tu
K ii 4 d Ša-la d Šu-bu-lá^4 OV – The preposition determinative DINGIR is lacking in A.
(^) M93 A ii 10 šu-bu-ul-tu
4 OV(l) – The proper noun šubultu appears with the accusative Šala
G 8 ]šu-bu-lu-tu J i 1 ]tu 44 case ending in K, Šala Šubula. (^274)
K ii 4 d Šu-bu-lá
M94 K ii 5 A ii 12 mulmúl TI TI 8 mušen (^) MUL appears as MÚL in K. OV – The preposition determinative
8 mušen^
M95 A ii 13 K ii 6 KÚR. KÚR-ir KÚR. KÚR-ir-ma SV(1) – The emphatic particle “ma’ is lacking in A.
(^) M96 A ii 14 (^) KÚR. KÚR-ir (^) SV(1) – The emphatic particle “ma”
J i 5 ]ir-ma is lacking in A.
K ii 7 KÚR. KÚR-ir-ma
M97 A ii 15 KÚR. KÚR-ir SV(1) – The emphatic particle “ma”
(^273) Of the five sources for this line only A and K preserve the (^) nomen regens. According to H. Hunger and
D. Pingree, 274 AfO 24, 127, it is possible that this form is a gloss to mul UGA mušen.
Šubultu is a cognomen for Šala, meaning “the ear of corn.” The deity Šala is associated with the constel-
lation Virgo. According to RLA 3 77 in the Selecid period Virgo was, under Greek influence, depicted as a
young woman holding an ear of corn. It might be suggested that the feminine appellation šubultu in A may
have some relation to this, even though that tablet is from the Neo-Babylonian period. K, which bears a
colophon attributing it to the Seleucid period, has the variant form Šubula that apparently lacks the femi-
nine reference.