AA ii 8 DUMU[ DINGIR is lacking from the proper
noun Mār-biti in AA.
M107 A ii 24 K ii 14 lìb-bi-šú lìb-šu OV – The full spelling in A is short-ened in K and AA.
AA ii 9 lìb-šu
M108 A ii 25 DIŠ 2 MUL SV(1) – The preposition determina-
C ii 6 X ii 7 DIŠ 2 MUL DIŠ 2 MUL tive DIŠ is lacking in Y.
Y 6 AA ii 10 2 MUL DIŠ 2 MUL
(^) M109 A ii 25 (^) GUB me-zu OV – The plural verb (^) izzazzū is writ-
ten without the plural marker MEŠ in
X and AA.^277
X ii 7 GUB-zu
AA ii 10 GUB-zu
M110 A ii 25 d Šullat u d Ḫaniš SV(1) – AA lacks the conjunction between the proper nouns Šullat and
J i 16 Ḫaniš.
d Šullat u d Ḫaniš
AA ii 10 d Šullat d Ḫaniš
(^) M111 A ii 27 (^) ŠÚ meš OV(l) – A has the sign MEŠ added to
the logogram ŠÚ, This is lacking in J and AA which irabbi, “it sets.”
vary in their final vowel.^278
J i 17 ŠÚ-ú AA ii 12 ŠÚ-bi
(^) M112 A ii 31 (^) GUB meš-zu (^) OV – The verb izzazzū is written
AA ii 16 GUB-zu^ H ii 1 GU]B me[š^ AA.without the plural marker MEŠ in^279
(^277) It is clear that the subject “DIŠ 2 MUL,” “two stars,” is plural in all of the sources, and so the verb (^) iz-
zazz 278 ū, “to stand,” should be read as a defective plural in X. See also note above.
H. Hunger and D. Pingree, AfO 24, 127, reads the variation in A as a scribal error. Hunger also points to
the alternative possibility that A could preserve a durative Gtn verbal form where “ŠÚ meš” is read as irta-
nabbi, “it repeatedly sets.” One can also read the same grammatical form as ingressive “it will come to set.”
AA might agree with this reading as indicated by the phonetic complement “-bi,” but J seems to require a
final “u” vowel instead. Despite the difficulties in determining the correct form of the verb the evidence
suggests there is a grammatical difference between the sources. 279
The verb “GUB-zu” in AA clearly refers to a plural subject eventhough it lacks the plural marker MEŠ:
“2 kakkabū (DIŠ 2 MUL) ša ina ziqit Zuqaqīpi izzazzū (GUB-zu),” “two stars that are positioned in the tail
of the Scorpion.”