M217 A iii 43 KUR OV – A and FF lack the phonetic
(^) FF ii 7 KUR J ii 15 KUR-ḫa complement.
(^) M218 A iii 43 (^) mul GÀM (^) OV – The preposition determinative
W 10 múl GÀM is written as MÚL in W, against MUL in A.
M219 A iii 44 J ii 16 KUR KUR-ḫa OV – A and FF lack the phonetic complement.
FF ii 8 KUR
M220 A iii 44 MUL.MUL OV – The plural is written as
K iii 1 M[ÚL W 11 MÚL.MÚL MÚL.MÚL in K and W, against MUL.MUL in A.
(^) M221 A iii 45 (^) KUR (^) OV – A and FF lack the phonetic
(^) FF ii 9 KUR J ii 17 KUR-ḫa complement.
M222 A iii 45 mul[ OV – The preposition determinative is written as MÚL in K and W,
against MUL in A.
K iii 2 múl GU 4 .A[N.N]A
W 12 mú l GU 4 .AN.NA
M223 A iii 46 J ii 18 KUR KUR-ḫa OV – A and FF lack the phonetic complement.
FF ii 10 KUR
(^) M224 A iii 46 UD (^) meš OV – K has a phonetic complement
FF ii 10 UD^ K iii 3 m]u meš for marker MEŠ in A and FF.ūmū, written with the plural^306
M225 A iii 46 m[ul OV – The preposition determinative is written as MÚL in K and W,
against MUL in A.
K iii 3 múl SIPA.ZI.AN.NA
W 13 mú l SIPA
M226 K iii 3 W 13 múlmúl SIPA.ZI.AN.NA SIPA SV(2) – K has an expansive plus.^307
(^306) See the comments in note above relating to the writing of (^) ūmū without the plural marker, and notes and
on the general proclivity in N to not write the plural marker on plural forms. K here seems to reflect the
same practice as N. 307
The brief name múlSIPA, Šidalli or Šitaddaru, “the Shepherd,” is written in full form in K, múl-
SIPA.ZI.AN.NA, “the True Shepherd of Anu.”