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M249 A iv 5 mul GÀM OV – The preposition determinative
K iii 11 Q iii 5 múm[lul GÀM in A and Q. is written as MÚL in K, against MUL

(^) M250 A iv 6 (^) mul MAŠ.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL (^) OV – The preposition determinative
J iii 8 K iii 11 mulmúl MAŠ.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL MAŠ.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL is written as MÚL in K, against MUL in A and J.
M251 A iv 6 mul E 4 -ru 6 OV – The preposition determinative is written as MÚL in K and X,
against MUL in A and Q.
K iii 12 múl E 4 -ru 6
Q iii 7 X iii 2 múlmul E [ 4 -ru 6
M252 A iv 6 K iii 11 u mumúll (^) ḪḪé-gál-a-a é-gál-la-a-a SV(1) – The conjunction between the last two list items is lacking in K.
(^) M253 A iv 6 (^) mul Ḫé-gál-a-a (^) OV – The preposition determinative
K iii 11 múl Ḫé-gál-la-a-a is written as MÚL in K, against MUL in A.
M254 A iv 6 mul Ḫé-gál-a-a OV – A has the proper noun Ḫegalayu, “the Abundant One,” writ-
ten without the sign LA against the spelling in K. (^312)
K iii 11 múl Ḫé-gál-la-a-a
(^) M255 A iv 7 (^) PAP an-nu-tu SV(1 (^) ) – The preposition determina-
J iii 9 PAP DIŠ an-nu-tu 4 tive DIŠ is lacking in A.
(^) M256 A iv 7 (^) an-nu-tu (^) OV – The final syllable of annûtu,
“those,” is written with the sign TU in A, against TU
4 in J.
J iii 9 an-nu-tu 4
M257 A iv 7 MUL meš ša ziq-pi SV(1) – The noun as singular in X, against the plural in kakkabū is written
the other sources.^313
J iii 9 MUL meš ziq-pi
Q iii 8 MUL X iii 3 MUL ziq-pi meš ša ziq-pi
(^312) The spelling in A agrees with the earlier occurrence of the same proper noun at A i 13.
(^313) As in the earlier occurrences of this type of variation (see note above) it is difficult to determine
whether X has a singular noun kakkabu or an unmarked plural kakkabū. In the light of Rule 1, though, the
text must stand as it is. With no contextual evidence to the contrary the form in X must be read as a singular
noun and counted as a difference in number.

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