Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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M284 A iv 22 MUL meš um-mu-lu-tu 4 HV – A, O and AA record ummulūtu, “the faint stars,” as visible kakkabū
on the 5which records th or 15kakkabu nebûth of Abu against T , “the
bright star,” as visible on that date.^325

O iii 7 ]ti
T iv 11 AA iii 5 n]é-bu-ú MUL um-mu[

(^) M285 A iv 23 (^) MIN SV(2) – A writes (^) Wiederholungszei-
O iii 7 ina MURUB 4 AN-e chen against the full clause in O.^326
M286 A iv 23 O 8 i]t GABA-ka G[UB MIN SV(2) – A writes chen against the full clause in O.Wiederholungszei- (^327)
T iv 12 AA iii 6 G]UB-ma KI.MIN
M287 A iv 23 MIN OV – A writes the sign MIN to sig-nify Wiederholungszeichen against
AA iii 6 KI.MIN
(^) M288 A iv 24 (^) mul MAŠ.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL (^) OV – A and O have the short spelling
for Twins,” against the longer spelling in Tū’amū rabûtu, “the Great
O iii 9 T iv 13 mu l MAŠ.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL
M289 A iv 24 O iii 9 ina MURUBMIN SV(2) – A writes chen against the full clause in O.Wiederholungszei- (^329)
4 AN-e
M290 A iv 24 O iii 10 MIN i]t GABA-ka GUB-ma SV(2) – A writes chen against the full clause in O. Wiederholungszei-
(^) M291 A iv 24 (^) mul ŠU.PA u mul NUN ki SV(1) – AA lacks the conjunction
between the proper nouns ŠU.PA and
O iii 10 mul ŠU.PA u mul NUN ki
AA iii 8 Š]U.PA mul NUN ki (^)
M292 A iv 24 KUR meš-ni OV – The plural marker is written with the sign ME in O and T against
MEŠ in A.
O iii 10 KUR me-ni
T iv 14 MUR me[
(^325) See the comments above, note.
(^326) O has ina qabal šamê, “in the middle of the sky.”
(^327) O and T have meḫret irtika izzazzūma, “they are positioned opposite your breast.” More accurately, the
verb in T is izzazzuma, “it is positioned,” in reference to the singular subject it conveys here (see note
above). 328
329 A retains the same orthography used in M11.
O has ina qabal šamê, “in the middle of the sky.”

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