Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

(backadmin) #1
Siglum Museum Number
b VAT10586
c 1 VAT11000
c 2 VAT11087
c 3 VAT11294
j BM35380 (=Sp2,960)
z IM67564 (=ND4381)

Description of the Sources
C, K2252+2602+3321+4486+Sm1881
This tablet is written in a type of script defined by A.R. George as type C. Scripts of this
type show a tendency to use distinctive forms of certain signs, from which George posits
that such tablets were not written at Kuyunjik, but rather were brought in from else-
where.^501 The tablet has been mostly reconstructed and contains six columns in total. The
colophon has the tablet series number plus the title of the series: DUB.11.KÁM ša naqbī
īm[uru éš.gà]r dGIŠ-gím-maš libir.ra.bí.gim [a]b.sar.àm ba.a.è, “Tablet 11, ‘He who saw
the Deeps,’ series of Gilgameš, written and checked according to its original.”^502 Incised
below this after the clay had dried is a line attributing ownership of the tablet to the pal-
ace of Ashurbanipal. The tablet has narrow ruled vertical margins of two lines between
columns, and ruled horizontal lines dividing the text into sections.

J 1 , K3375; J 2 , Rm616
The script is Neo-Assyrian. The tablet contained six columns, with the writing at places
cramped and the horizontal direction of the lines tending to drift upwards to the right. The
tablet is made from high quality clay and, while it does not contain a colophon, other tab-

(^501) Gilgamesh, 384.
(^502) For the transliteration and translation see A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 736.

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