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j i 7 ba-˹la˺-ṭa taš-ú

(^) G13 J
W^2 i 8a 1 i 8 ana -n]a cally in J. OV – The preposition ana is written syllabi-
G14 J W 2 i 8a ša-šu [ SV(1) – J lacks the emphatic particle ‘-ma.’^516
1 i 8 ša-šu-ma
G15 C i 8 J a-na d Giš[ OV – The preposition graphically in J. ana is written logo-
j i 8^2 i 8a ana a-na d Giš-gim-maš d Giš-gim-maš
(^) G16 J
W^2 i 9 1 i 10 pi-riš-ti r]iš-ta accusative singular.OV(l) – J has the correct case vowel for the^517
j i 10 ri]š-ti
(^) G17 C i 10 (^) -n]a ka-a-šá (^) SV(1) – C has a redundant preposition mark-
W j i 190 1 i 10 DINGIR DINGIR mešmeš ka-a-ša ka-a-ša ing the dative.^518
G18 J W 2 i 10 [ ]-˹ú˺-ri-pak OV – The first vowel of the city name is written fully in J. Šuripak
1 i 11a [U]RU šu-ri-pak
G19 C i 11 d]u-šú OV – The pronominal suffix is written as ŠU
W j i 11 1 i 11a ša ti-du-šu ša ti-du-šú in W.
(^515) The lexeme √še’ûm, “seek out,” is written with medial aleph and final “-m” in W. The glottal stop (writ-
ten ‪) is part of the root. The final sign in W could be read as U 16 , which would amount to an ortho-
graphic variant. 516
Although J is broken after the sign ŠU it is clear that the sign MA does not follow as there is not enough
room on the tablet. The missing sign MA is not noted in A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 702, but is clear in the
drawing (cf. A.R. George, Gilgamesh, pl. 132) and is listed in the apparatus in A.R. George, Gilgamesh,

  1. I owe this observation to I. Young. 517
    518 The form in W (and therefore j) is read as /i/ for accusative singular in A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 439.
    The dative object is already expressed by the independent dative pronoun kaša, “to you” in the other

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