Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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G53 J W 1 ii 9’ [ -t]i OV(l) – W has the wrong vowel for the accu-sative/oblique case.
1 ii 8 ḫ i-šiḫ-tum
G54 W 1 ii 9a 3 šár ku-up-ri HV – Difference in the cardinal number.^535
j ii 15 6 šár ku-u[p ]
G55 J 1 ii 10’ GIR 4 OV – J has the logogram for the noun √kīru,
T W 1 ii 2 k]i-i-ri “storage jar.”
1 ii 9a ki-i-ri
G56 W 1 ii 9a ana OV – The preposition ana is written logo-
J 1 ii 10’ a-n[a] graphically in W.
G57 T 1 ii 4 [ l]i OV(l) – W lacks the genitive case vowel.^536
W 1 ii 10 giš su-us-su-ul

G58 W j ii 18 1 ii 11 e-zu-ub e-zi-i[b] OV(l) – Possible difference in pronuncia-tion. (^537)
G59 W j ii 19 1 ii 12 2 šár Ì.2 šár u[ ˹GIŠ˺[ SV(2) – j apparently lacks the noun “oil.” 538 √šamnu,
(^534) The 3fs dative pronominal suffix in T appears to refer to one of two accusatives (“peg,” or “boat”), or
alternatively to both objects that are qualified by the verb to which the pronominal suffix is attached (cf.
A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 427 and 882).
(^535) This is most likely confusion between the sign for the cardinal number 3 (␈) and 6 (␋). In each case the
number written probably indicates a very large but indefinite number, as noted in A.R. George, Gilgamesh,
707 n. 8. 536
This is the genitive construct form of the noun √sussullu, “(wooden) box,” which in context is written:
ERIN.MEŠ naš giš sussulli, “troops carrying (wooden) boxes.” The lack of case vowel in W is noted as very
rare in the Kuyunjik orthographies, 537 cf. A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 442.
The repetition of the ‘i’ class vowel in j could reflect vowel harmony. A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 429
notes this among “minor differences in words or expressions.” 538
The line in W is reconstructed: “2 šár Ì.GIŠ ša u-pa-az-zi-ru lú MÁ.LAḪ 4 ,” šina šār šamni ša upazziru
malāḫu, “there were two myriads [3600] of oil which the shipwright stowed away,” (A.R. George, Gil-
gamesh, 707). The text, according to j, is apocopated to become: šina šār upazziru malāḫu, “there were two
myriads which the shipwright stowed away.”

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