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G125 C iii 24 u OV – The conjunction is written differently in
J T 1 iii 26 ù J.
c 31 iii 3’ iii 11 u u

G126 C iii 26 J [a]p-ti OV(l) – Possible difference in pronuncia-tion. (^583)
T^1 iii 28 ap-te
c 31 iii 5’ iii 13 ap-ti ap-ti
G127 C iii 27 J [ ]˹me˺-es-ma OV(l) – Possible difference in pronuncia-tion. (^584)
T^11 iii 29 iii 14 uk-tam-mi-is-ma uk-tam-mi-is-ma
c 3 iii 6’ uk-tam-me-es-m[a
G128 J T 1 iii 31 ap-pa-li-is OV – T and c have CVC against CV-VC in J.
c 31 iii 8a’ iii 16 ap-pa-lis ap-pa-lis
(^) G129 C iii 29 (^) r]a-˹a-ti (^) OV(l) – c has the wrong case vowel for the
J T 1 iii 31 kib-ra-a-ti genitive singular.^585
c 31 iii 8a’ iii 16 kib-ra[ ]ti kib-ra-a-tu
G130 C iii 29 J pa˺-tu A.AB.BA SV(1) – T has the preposition the other sources. 586 ana, lacking in
T^1 iii 31 pa-tu A.AB.BA
c 31 iii 8a’ iii 16 a-n[a ] pa-˹a˺[
G131 C iii 29 J pa˺-tu OV – The long vowel in the form “edge,” is written in c. pātu,
c^1 iii 31 pa-tu
3 iii 8a’ pa- ˹a˺[
(^583) The form in J is expected, while the other sources conform to the Standard Babylonian orthography
where terminating vowels in final weak verbs > /i/, 584 cf. J. Huehnergard, Grammar, 598.
The spelling in C and c is with /e/ where the stem vowel /i/ would be expected for √kamāsu, here written
as II/2 reflexive, “sit (oneself) down, crouch.” 585
The form in c is more common amongst the Kuyunjik irregular orthographies, where the case vowel for
the genitive singular or oblique plural is written as /u/, cf. A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 440. However, in this
case the tablet is from Babylonia. 586
The preposition in T is partially restored, but may be read appalis kibrāti ana pātu tâmti, “I looked to
the shoreline, towards the sea’s edge.” This nuanced reading is in contrast to the other sources which, lack-
ing the preposition, have appalis kibrāti pātu tâmti, “I looked to the shoreline, the sea’s edge.”

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