Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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G160 C iii 46a i-˹ṣi-nù OV – Different spelling of the verb √eṣēnu,
J 1 iii 50a i- ṣi-nu “to smell (a fragrance).”
G161 J W 1 iii 50b i-ri-šá OV(l) – Possibtion. 601 le difference in pronuncia-
4 iii 4b’ ˹ e˺-ri-šá
G162 J W 1 iii 50b DÙG.G[A] OV – W writes the adjective syllabically. √ṭabu, “good,”
4 iii 4b’ ṭ a[ ]
G163 C iii 47 ˹ki-i˺ SV(1) – Lexical interchange.^602
J c 1 iii 51 ki-ma
2 iii 1’ ˹ ki-ma˺^
G164 C iv 1 J d a-nu-um OV – C has CV-VC against CVC in J.
1 iii 53 d a-num
G165 J 1 iii 53 ṣu-ḫi-šú OV – The pronominal suffix is written as ŠU
W 3 iii 1’ ] ḫi-šu in W.
G166 C iv 2 an-nu-tum OV(l) – C and c have the wrong case vowel
J c 1 iii 54 an-nu-ti for the oblique plural.^603
2 iii 4’ an-nu- ˹tum˺^

(^601) The variation of the first vowel in the lexeme (^) erešu, “scent, fragrance,” may reflect a difference in pro-
nunciation although the two vowels seem to be in free-variation (cf. J. Hämeen-Anttila, Neo-Assyrian
Grammar 602 , 27, especially note 35 and the references there). See also the comments in notes and above.
This reading follows A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 429, where the variation is classed among “minor differ-
ences in words or expressions,” and also CAD K 316 and 363, where these lexemes are listed as separate
entries. 603
The case vowel in J is correct for the oblique plural form of the demonstrative annûti, which is given as
the nominative plural form annûtu in C and c. It is difficult to make sense of the nominative form in this
context as the subject seems to clearly be the speaker Bēlet Ilī. The form of the demonstrative in C and c is
therefore read as /u/ for oblique (accusative) plural, cf. A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 440.

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