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G195 C iv 18a ]ṭa-šú OV – The possessive pronominal suffix is
J b obv. 3a’ 1 iv 15a ḫḫi-i-ṭṭa-a-šú a-˹šu˺ written with the sign ŠU in b.

(^) G196 C iv 20 (^) am-ma-ki (^) OV(l) – Possible difference in pronuncia-
J 1 iv 17a am-ma-ku tion. 620
G197 J 1 iv 17a taš-ku-nu OV(l) – Possible difference in pronuncia-
b obv. 5a’ n]a tion. 621
G198 C iv 20 J a-bu-b[u] OV(l) – C has the wrong case vowel for the accusative singular.
b obv. 5a’^1 iv 17a a-bu-ba a-bu-ba
(^) G199 C iv 22a (^) am-ma-ki (^) OV(l) – Possible difference in pronunciation.
J 1 iv 18a am-ma-ku
G200 C iv 22a J taš-k[un OV – C has CVC against CV-CV in J.^622
1 iv 18a taš-ku-nu
G201 C iv 23a J am-ma-ki OV(l) – Possible difference in pronunciation.
1 iv 19a am-ma-ku
G202 C iv 23a taš-ku[n OV – C has CVC against CV-CV in J.
J 1 iv 19a taš-ku-nu
G203 C iv 24a am-ma-ki OV(l) – Possible difference in pronunciation.
J 1 iv 20a am-ma-ku
G204 C iv 24a J taš-ku[n OV – C has CVC against CV-CV in J.
1 iv 20a taš-ku-nu
G205 C iv 24b J KUR SV(2) – Lexical interchange, counted as a clarifying plus in J. (^623)
1 iv 20b ÙG.MEŠ
(^620) J consistently writes the conjunction (^) ammaki, “instead of,” as ammaku. The form in J is relatively com-
mon, though the Standard Babylonian form is found in C (cf. CAD A 2 67b). See also G199, G201 and
G203. 621
622 The ventive suffix is written with /u/ in J, cf. A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 441.
The damage to C makes it impossible to know the exact sequence of signs, but one could assume that
the final sign may have doubled the third radical. Perhaps CVC-CV was contained therein, but considering
the broken state of the tablet it is only possible to count this variant as orthographic. See also G202 below. 623
The object in C is KUR, māta, “land,” given in J as ÙG.MEŠ, nišī, “life(s).” The context suggests a
clarifying stylistic variation, where one lexeme is exchanged for another that suits the phraseology particu-

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