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G250 C v 32b URU-šú SV(1) – Lexical interchange.^644
J W 1 v 28a ˹KUR˺-šú
1 v 18a’ URU-šú
G251 J 1 v 28b ana OV – The preposition ana is written syllabi-
W 1 v 18a’ a-na cally in W.
G252 C v 33b id-di-ma SV(1) – The emphatic particle “-ma” is lack-
J b rev. 15’ 1 v 29 id-di i]d-di-ma ing in J.

(^) G253 C v 34 (^) an]a (^) OV – The preposition ana is written syllabi-
J W 1 v 30 ana cally in W.
1 v 20’ a ˺[^
G254 C v 35 T v 15 ma-le-šu ma-le-šú OV – The 3ms possessive pronominal suffix is written with the sign ŠU in T.
W 1 v 21’ [m]a-le-šú
G255 C v 35 i]l-li OV(l) – Possible difference in pronuncia-
J 1 v 31 el-li tion. 645
G256 C v 36b J ṭa-a-ba OV(l) – Possible difference in pronuncia-tion. (^646)
T^11 v 32b v 17 ṭṭa-a-bu a-a-bu
W 1 v 23a’ ṭ a-a-bu
(^644) C and W have a slightly different phrasing to J, but no significant difference is detectable between the
sources. The narrative describes how Ūta-napišti arranges to dress Gilgamesh appropriately as a king for
his return across the apsû. C and W have the destination of Gilgamesh’s journey as ālišu, “his city,” against
m 645 ātišu, “his land” in J.
The first vowel of the adjective is expected to be /e/, so the use of /i/ here in C probably indicates that
the phonemes /i/ and /e/ are in free variation in this manuscript. The underlying difference would therefore
be in terms of pronunciation only. On this see note above. 646
The ultimate vowel of the adverb √ṭābu is expected as /u/, so C reflects a possible difference in pronun-
ciation, cf. G214 where /u/ > /a/ for the nominative singular case vowel in the same manuscript.

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