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Ulrich, E. "The Qumran Biblical Scrolls - The Scriptures of Late Second Temple Juda-
ism." Pages 67-87 in The Dead Sea Scrolls in Their Historical Context. Edited by
T.H. Lim, L.W. Hurtado, A.G. Auld, and A. Jack. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000.

——— "The Absence of 'Sectarian Variants' in the Jewish Scriptural Scrolls Found at
Qumran." Pages 179-95 in The Bible as Book: The Hebrew Bible and the Judaean
Desert Discoveries. Edited by E.D. Herbert and E. Tov. London: The British Li-
brary & Oak Knoll Press, 2002.

Ulrich, E. and F.M. Cross. Qumran Cave 4. VII: Genesis to Numbers. DJD 12. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1994.

——— Qumran Cave 4. IX: Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings. DJD 14. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1995.

Ungnad, A. Keilschrifttexte der Gesetze Hammurapis: Autographie der Stele sowie der
altbabylonischen, assyrischen und neubabylonischen Fragmente. Leipzig:
Hinrichs, 1909.

Vermes, G. The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English. London: The Penguin Press,

Vern, R.C. "The Relevance of Linguistic Evidence to the Dating of Archaic Poetry of the
Hebrew Bible." Ph.D. diss., University of Sydney, 2008.

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