Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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V51 C:r1 GÁL.MEŠ OV – H has the plural marker ME, against
H:17 GÁL.ME MEŠ in C.

V52 C:r1 GÁL OV – C lacks the phonetic complement.
H:17 GÁL-ši

V53 C:r7 7 UD-mi SV(3) – C breaks from the standard formula
L:8 UD.7.KAM for expressing the number of days.

V54 C:r7 SAL.KÚR.MEŠ OV – M has the plural marker ME, against

V55 C:r7 GÁL.MEŠ OV – M has the plural marker ME, against
M:3 GÁL.ME MEŠ in C.

V56 C:r9 GÁL.ME OV – C has the plural marker ME, against
H:21 GÁL.MEŠ MEŠ in H.

V57 C:r10 DU-az OV – M lacks the phonetic complement.
L:11 ]-az
M:4 DU

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