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V63 B:r2 ]ḫa-ram-ma OV – B and M have syllabic spelling,
C:r35 ZAL-ma against the logogram in C and N.
M:r9 uḫ-ḫa-ram-ma
N:4 ZAL-ma

V64 C:r35 UD.17.KAM HV – Difference in ordinal number.^192
M:r9 UD ḫi-pi eš-šú
N:4 UD.14.KAM

V65 B:r3 ]GÁN.ZI ˹SI.SÁ˺ HV – C, M and N preserve a different apo-
C:r36 IGI MU SAL ina KUR dosis to B.^193
SUD-ti GÁL ina É.GÁL
M:r10 SU]D-ti GÁL ina É.GAL
N:5 ]ina KUR SUD- ˹ti˺

(^192) C records Γ on the 17th of Ulūli ark (^) ī, while N has the 14th of Ulūli arkī. The source text for M was ap-
parently damaged at this point, see note above. 193
B, C, M and N presumably all retained the end of the protasis IGI, but the apodosis that follows appears
to be different in B than the other sources. C has “MU SAL ina māti rūqti ibašši u ina É.GAL GU ˹LA˺,”
which may translate to “MU SAL will be in a distant land, and in the great palace.” The reading “MU SAL”
in E. Reiner, BPO 1, 13, is unclear. It is interesting to note that S. Langdon, J.K. Fotheringham, and C.
Schoch, Venus Tablets, 13, n.2, reads “MU-ši” but also decline to suggest a meaning. In the drawing the
reading IGI instead of SAL seems clear, but the tablet itself is more ambiguous. M and N would appear to
follow C, though the text of each is damaged. B reads: mērešu iššir, “the cultivated land will prosper” – see
J.D. Weir, Venus Tablets, 27. Clearly the apodoses vary, with C focusing on events in a distant land, and B
implying that the arable land will be productive. Given these differences the classification of this variation
as HV seems justified.

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