Food and Wine Pairing : A Sensory Experience

(ff) #1

114 Chapter 5 The Impact of Sweetness and Acidity Levels in Wine and Food

6.In this exercise there are six whites (and / or six reds). Based on your analysis of each wine, rank the wines by level of sweetness
from driest to sweetest.
Driest"1. 2. 3.

      1. "Sweetest
        Retain the wine and setup for Exercise 5.3.



This exercise is designed to establish
baseline measures of sweetness levels in
food items. The foods used—from the
Food Sensory Anchor Scale (Figure
B.1)—are standardized items that can be
purchased already prepared. These will
provide consistent baseline measures of
sweetness that will serve as points of ref-
erence in future tasting evaluations. How-
ever, as with the wine samples, your

perception of sweetness in these food
items may vary.

The primary objective of this exercise is
to establish baseline sweetness levels in
food products.

Mise en Place: Things to Do Be-
fore the ExercisePrior to evaluation,
become familiar with the numerical ex-
amples shown in the Food Sensory An-
chor Scale. Keep this scale at your side
as a reference during the evaluation
process. While this exercise focuses on
sweetness, don’t miss this opportunity to
do an informal evaluation of the other el-
ements in each food sample (fattiness,
saltiness, flavor intensity, etc.).


Table 5.6 Materials for Exercise 5.2

Prepackaged food items: Triscuits, Wheat Thins, graham crackers,
Pepperidge Farms Bordeaux cookies


1 copy Food Sensory Anchor References sheet per student Drinking water for each student
1 food sweetness evaluation sheet per student Glasses for water
Utensils for food items Paper plates/bowls to serve items


1.Purchase the food items and place a portion of each on a plate for each taster.

2.Taste the food items and rank them on the 0–10 scale. Focus on identifying the differences in sweetness level. Do the differences
you perceive match those in Table 5.1? Is it difficult to determine differences in sweetness level? Record your observations on
the Food Sweetness Level Sheet (Figure 5.2).

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