Heaven and Hell: The Portable New Century Edition

(Romina) #1

§248 how angels talk with us 127

exactly as though they themselves know everything we know, including

our languages.

[ 2 ] I have talked with angels about this and said that they might sup-

pose they were talking with me in my own mother tongue simply because

it seemed that way, when in fact it was not they talking but I. This fol-

lows from the fact that angels cannot utter a single word of our human

language (§ 237 ). Then too, human language is natural and they are spiri-

tual, and spiritual beings cannot produce anything natural. They have

answered that they knew that when they were talking with us their union

with us was with our spiritual thinking, but since this spiritual thinking

fl owed into our natural thought, and this natural thinking is so closely

allied with our memory, it seemed to them as though our language were

their own, along with all our acquired knowledge. This is because it has

pleased the Lord that there should be this kind of union and inner pres-

ence of heaven with us. However, they said, the state of humanity is now

such that this kind of union is no longer with angels but with spirits who

are not in heaven.

[ 3 ] I have talked with spirits about this matter, too; but they wanted

to believe not that we were talking but that they were talking within us,

so that we did not really know what we know, but they did, which meant

that everything we knew came from them. I wanted to convince them by

many arguments that this was not the case but failed.

We will explain later just who are meant by “angels” and who by

“spirits,” when we come to our description of the world of spirits.

The reason angels and spirits are so intimately united to us that it 247

seems to them as though our characteristics were their own is that there

is such an intimate union within us of the spiritual and the natural worlds

that they are virtually one. However, because we have separated ourselves

from heaven, the Lord has provided that there should be angels and spir-

its with each of us and that we should be governed by the Lord through

them. This is the reason there is such an intimate union.

It would have been different if we had not separated ourselves,

because then we could have been governed by the Lord through a general

infl ow from heaven without having spirits and angels assigned to us.

There will be more on this later, though, where we describe how

heaven is united to us.

When angels and spirits talk with us, it sounds just as audible as 248

when we talk with each other, but it is not audible to people who are

nearby, only to ourselves. This is because the speech of an angel or spirit

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