Heaven and Hell: The Portable New Century Edition

(Romina) #1

§483 our nature after death 285

We can see, then, that people come into heaven who have a heavenly

and spiritual love, and people come into hell who have a materialistic

and worldly love without a heavenly and spiritual one.

The fact that our faith does not stay with us unless it comes from a heav- 482

enly love has been brought home to me by so much experience that if I

were to relate what I have seen and heard about it, it would fi ll a book.

I can attest to this: that there is no faith whatever and there can be none

for people who are engrossed in materialistic and worldly love apart from

heavenly and spiritual love. There is only information, or a secondhand

belief that something is true because it serves their own love. Further, a

number of people who thought they had had faith were introduced to

people of real faith; and once communication was established they per-

ceived that they had no faith at all. They even admitted later that simply

believing the truth or the Word is not faith; but faith is loving what is

true from a heavenly love and intending and doing it from a deep affec-

tion. I was also shown that the secondhand belief they called faith was

only like the light of winter in which everything on earth lies dormant,

bound by the ice and buried in snow because there is no warmth to the

light. As a result, the moment it is touched by rays of heaven’s light,

the light of their secondhand faith is not only extinguished but actually

becomes a dense darkness in which people cannot even see themselves.

At the same time, too, their deeper reaches are so darkened that they

cannot discern anything and ultimately go mad because of their false


The result is that all the truths such people have learned from the

Word and from the teaching of the church are taken away from them,

all the things they claimed were part of their faith, and in their place

they are fi lled with everything false that accords with the evil of their life.

They are actually all plunged into their loves and into the false notions

that support them as well. Then, since truths contradict the false, mali-

cious notions they are absorbed in, they hate the truths, turn their backs

on them, and reject them.

I can bear witness from all my experiences of what happens in heaven

and in hell that people who have confessed faith alone as a matter of

doctrine and have engaged in evil as regards their lives are all in hell. I

have seen thousands of them sent there and have described them in the

booklet The Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed.

The fact that love in action, and therefore our life, is what remains fol- 483

lows logically from what I have presented from experience and what I have

just said about deeds and works. Love in action is the work and the deed.

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