Heaven and Hell: The Portable New Century Edition

(Romina) #1

§487 how our pleasures change 287

into spiritual things from the fact that as long as we are in our earthly

bodies we are in the natural world; but once we leave that body behind,

we arrive in the spiritual world and put on a spiritual body. (On angels

having perfect human forms and being people after death, and on the

bodies they wear being spiritual, see above, §§ 73 – 77 and 453 – 460 ; and

for a description of the correspondence of spiritual things with natural

ones, see §§ 87 – 115 .)

All our pleasures stem from our dominant love, for the only things 486

that feel pleasant to us are the ones that we love; so the most pleasant of

all is what we love above all. Whether you say “our dominant love” or

“what we love above all,” it amounts to the same thing.

There are different pleasures—as many, generally speaking, as there

are different dominant loves, which means as many as there are of us,

and of spirits and angels, since no one’s dominant love is entirely like

that of anyone else. This is why no one’s face is exactly like that of any-

one else, since the face is the image of the mind, and in the spiritual

world is an image of the dominant love. The pleasures of any specifi c

individual are infi nitely varied as well, with no pleasure ever entirely like

any other. This applies both to the pleasures that come in sequence and

to the ones that occur simultaneously. No two are ever alike. However,

the specifi c pleasures of any given individual go back to that single love

which is that individual’s dominant love. In fact, they constitute it and

therefore become one with it. In much the same way, all pleasures overall

go back to one love that is universally dominant—in heaven, a love for

the Lord, and in hell, a love for oneself.

The only way to know the kinds and qualities of the spiritual plea- 487

sures into which natural pleasures turn after death is through a knowl-

edge of correspondences. This teaches in general that there is nothing

natural to which something spiritual does not answer, and it teaches spe-

cifi cally the identity and nature of whatever does so correspond. This

means that people who are engaged in this knowledge can recognize and

know their state after death provided they know their love and how it

relates in its nature to the universally dominant love to which, as we have

just stated, all loves go back.

However, people who are involved in self-love cannot know what

their dominant love is because they love whatever is theirs and call their

evils good. They also call false things true, the false notions that support

them and that they use to rationalize their evils. If they were willing,

though, they could still know [their dominant love] from other people

who are wise, because these latter see what they themselves do not. This

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