Heaven and Hell: The Portable New Century Edition

(Romina) #1

§492 our first state 293

especially marriage love, the love of what is fair, honest, good, and true,

the love of information and insights, the love of intelligence and wisdom,

and the rest. The things that fl ow from these loves like streams from

their spring are pleasures that not only last but are raised to a higher level

when they are changed from natural pleasures into spiritual ones.

Our First State after Death


HERE are three states that we pass through after death before we
arrive in either heaven or hell. The fi rst state is one of more outward

concerns, the second is one of more inward concerns, and the third is

one of preparation. We go through these states in the world of spirits.

Some people, however, do not go through these states but are either

raised into heaven or cast into hell immediately after their death. The

people immediately raised into heaven are ones who have been regener-

ated and thus prepared for heaven in this world. People who have been

regenerated and prepared to this extent need only to slough off their nat-

ural uncleanness along with their bodies and are immediately taken into

heaven by angels. I have seen people taken up an hour after their death.

On the other hand, people who have been profoundly malicious but

have outwardly worn a guise of goodness, people who have therefore

fi lled their malice with guile and used goodness as a means of deception

are cast directly into hell. I have seen people like this cast into hell imme-

diately after their death. One of the most deceitful went head fi rst and

feet last; for others it is different.

There are also people who are sent off into caves right after their death

and in this way are segregated from people in the world of spirits. They

are alternately brought out and sent back in. These are people who have

treated their neighbors maliciously under the pretext of civic behavior.

There are few such people, though, compared to the number of peo-

ple who are kept in the world of spirits and prepared there for either

heaven or hell according to the divine plan.

As to the fi rst state, the state of more outward concerns, we arrive in 492

this immediately after our death. Everyone has more outward and more

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