Heaven and Hell: The Portable New Century Edition

(Romina) #1

§580 malice & skill 353

has been deceitful throughout. This is because the deceit wholly perme-

ates their thoughts and intentions and infects them with venom, destroy-

ing all their spiritual life. Most of them are in the hells toward the rear

and are called demons. They take particular delight in making them-

selves unnoticeable and fl oating around others like ghosts, doing their

harm covertly, spraying it around like the venom of snakes. They are

tortured more severely than others.

In contrast, if people have not been guileful but have been taken

in by the craft of the malicious and still are engaged in evils because

of their self-love, they fi nd themselves toward the rear as well, but not

so deep down. People engaged in evils because of their love of the

world are in the hells toward the front, though, and are called spirits.

They do not have the same kinds of evil, the same kinds of hatred

and vengefulness, as people involved in love for themselves, so they do

not have the same kind of malice and craft. As a result, their hells are


I have been allowed to fi nd out from experience the nature of the 579

malice of the people referred to as demons. Demons do not fl ow into

people’s thoughts but into their affections. They observe them and sniff

them out the way dogs sniff out wild animals in the woods. When they

notice good affections, they change them instantly into evil ones by

using delights in something else to lead them astray in quite amazing

fashion. They do this so subtly and with such malign skill that the victim

does not notice anything. They take the greatest care to prevent anything

from obtruding into thought because this would bring it into the open.

In our case, they settle near the back of the head.

These are people who, in the world, enticed the minds of others

deceptively, using the delights of their affections or their impulses to

mislead and persuade them.

However, the Lord keeps these spirits away from anyone for whom

there is any hope of reformation because they are the kind of spirit who

can not only destroy conscience but also stir up our inherited evils that

would otherwise lie hidden. So to prevent them from leading us into

those evils, the Lord makes sure that these hells are completely closed off.

When people of this nature arrive in the other life after death, they are

instantly thrown into their hell. When they are examined as to their guile

and craft, they look like snakes.

You can gather from their unspeakable arts what the malice of these 580

hellish spirits is like. There are so many of these arts that listing them

would fi ll a book, and describing them would take volumes. Most of

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