Heaven and Hell: The Portable New Century Edition

(Romina) #1

§596 equilibrium 363

this from what has already been presented concerning the heavens and

the hells. That is, all the communities of heaven are very precisely dif-

ferentiated according to the genera and species of their goodness, and

all the communities of hell according to the genera and species of their

evils. Further, there is a corresponding community of hell underneath

every community of heaven, and this opposing correspondence yields an

equilibrium. So the Lord is constantly making sure that the hellish com-

munity under any heavenly one does not get too strong. To the extent

that one begins to get too strong, it is brought under control by various

means and returned to its proper balanced relationship. I shall mention

only a few of the many means. Some involve a stronger presence of the

Lord. Some involve closer communication and union of one or more

communities with others. Some involve the exile of extra hellish spirits

into desert places, some the transfer from one hell to another, some the

reorganization of the people in the hells, which also is accomplished in

various ways. Some involve concealing some of the hells under thicker

and heavier coverings, some sending them down deeper. Then there are

other means, some involving the heavens overhead.

I mention this so that there may be some grasp of the fact that only

the Lord provides that there shall be a balance between good and evil

everywhere, and therefore between heaven and hell. On this kind of

equilibrium depends the salvation of everyone in the heavens and every-

one on earth.

It needs to be realized that the hells are constantly attacking heaven 595

and trying to destroy it and that the Lord is constantly protecting the

heavens by restraining the people there from the evils that arise from their

self-concern and by keeping them involved in the good that comes from

him. I have often been granted a sense of the aura that radiates from the

hells—an aura of nothing but efforts to destroy the divine nature of the

Lord and therefore heaven as well. At times I have also perceived forces

boiling up from certain hells, made up of efforts to break free and wreak

destruction. On the other hand, the heavens never attack the hells, since

the divine aura that emanates from the Lord is a constant effort to save

everyone. Since the people in the hells cannot be saved (all the people

there being engrossed in evil and opposed to the Lord’s divine nature),

the attacks within the hells are kept as subdued as possible, and mutual

viciousness is held within bounds. This too is accomplished by countless

exercises of divine power.

The heavens are differentiated into two kingdoms, the heavenly 596

kingdom and the spiritual kingdom (see above, §§ 20 – 28 ). Similarly, the

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