Science - USA (2021-12-10)

(Antfer) #1




The NOSTERScienceMicrobiome Prize
is an international prize that rewards in-
novative research by investigators, under
the age of 35, who are working on the func-
tional attributes of the microbiota. The
research can include any organism that

has potential to contribute to our under-
standing of human or veterinary health
and disease, or to guide therapeutic in-
terventions. The winner and finalists
will be chosen by a committee of inde-
pendent scientist, chaired by a senior
editor ofScience. The top prize includes
a complimentary membership to AAAS, an online subscription to
Science, and $25,000 (USD). Submit your research essay today.

Apply by 1/24/22 at
Sponsored by Noster, Inc

Eran Blacher, Ph.D.
2021 Winner

1210Product.indd 1408 12/2/21 7:54 AM

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