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We thank B. Turoňová, N. Kellner, W. Hagen, F. Weiss, C. Tischer,
J. Baumbach, S. Welsch, M. Linder, E. Hurt, E. Lemke, and all
the members of the Mahamid, Kosinski, and Beck laboratories for
advice and support. We thank E. Hurt, B. Baum, and T. Schwartz
for providing yeast strains. We acknowledge support from the
Electron Microscopy Core Facility, the Advanced Light Microscopy
Facility, and IT services of EMBL Heidelberg and the Microscopy
Core Facility of the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt
am Main.Funding:M.A. was funded by an EMBO long-term
fellowship (ALTF-1389–2016). J.M. received funding from the
European Research Council (ERC 3DCellPhase 760067). J.K. was
supported by funding from the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research of Germany (FKZ 031L0100). M.B. acknowledges
funding by EMBL, the Max Planck Society, and the European
Research Council (ComplexAssembly 724349).Author
contributions:C.E.Z. conceived the project, designed and
performed experiments, acquired all types of data, designed and
established data analysis procedures, analyzed all types of
data, and wrote the manuscript; M.A. conceived the project,
designed and performed experiments, acquired data, analyzed
data, and wrote the manuscript; V.R. analyzed data and wrote the
manuscript; S.K.G. designed and performed experiments and
acquired data; A.O.-K. analyzed data; I.Z. designed and performed
experiments; A.H. designed and performed experiments; J.M.
designed experiments and supervised the project; G.H. designed
experiments, analyzed data, and derived the theoretical model
based on membrane elastic theory; J.K. conceived the project,
designed and established data analysis procedures, analyzed
data, supervised the project, and wrote the manuscript; and
M.B. conceived the project, designed experiments, supervised the
project, and wrote the manuscript.Competing interests:The
authors declare no competing interests.Data and materials
availability:Associated with the manuscript are accession
numbers EMD-11373, EMD-11374, EMD-11375, and EMD-13081 (EM
Data Bank,, as well as PDBDEV_00000094,
PDBDEV_00000095, and PDBDEV_00000096 (PDB-Dev database, The code for the structural
modeling and the input files are available on Zenodo ( 97 ).

Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S18
Tables S1 to S4
References ( 98 – 106 )
MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
Movies S1 to S7

24 July 2020; resubmitted 14 October 2021
Accepted 27 October 2021
Published online 11 November 2021

Zimmerliet al.,Science 374 , eabd9776 (2021) 10 December 2021 15 of 15


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