December 2015 Classic&SportsCar 117
an Englishcar was first acrossthe finishingline,”
said Howeto the press.And that was just the
beginningfor K3003,Nuvolarilatertaking
it to victoryin the UlsterTT.
The car’sidentitywas mysteriouslysplit in the
’30s when it wassold to Germanywith areplace-
ment frame – also stamped K3003 – having been
rebuiltaftera crashenrouteto ShelsleyWalsh.
The saga wasn’t discovereduntilthe early’50s,
whenMikeEllman-Browneacquireda bodiless
K3projectandhad forensicspecialistsanalysethe
chassisnumbers.The restorationof the genuine
K3003provedto be beyondEllman-Browneand
eventually, in the early’70s,he sold the MG to
PhilipBayne-Powellwho did an impressivejob.
The car wenton to becomea popularsightat
MGOCand VSCCmeetingsand Bayne-Powell
reuniteda 78-year-oldEystonwithit for an
emotionaldrivearoundBrandsHatchin 1975.
In 1986,K3003was sold to AustralianMG
enthusiastPeterBriggs,who competedexten-
sivelyin racesand ralliesDownUnder. In
preparationfor the 80th-anniversarycelebration
of the car’s historicMilleMigliaperformance,
K3003was totallyrebuiltby JohnHuntingin
2012 – the crisplittle‘six’ goingon to rasp
aroundthe famousrouteto the delightof the
localsduringthe 2013retrospective.
Whatis arguablythe mostfamousMG of all
finallyreturnedto the UK this year to attendthe
Concoursof Elegancein Edinburgh.Beforeit
was shippedbackedto Australia,we hatchedthe
idea with Briggsand historianGraemeCocksof
takingit to PennHouseas a tributeto Howe.
To seetheimmaculatesuperchargedK3parked
outsidethe 18th-centuryred-brickmanorwhere
its legendaryItaliansortiewas plannedwas a
specialmoment.FrederickCurzon,the seventh
EarlHowe,evenallowedus to carryout the
hugeGrandPrix of BresciaTrophythat his great
unclehad cartedbackfromthe MilleMiglia.
There’s a goodchancethatthe K3s were
testedon Howe’s privatedriveway, and K3003is
perfectlysuitedto the narrowand challenging
mile-longcoursefromthe maingateto the
house.The mindbogglesat the impressivecars
and braveaces whomusthaveroaredup this
narrowstripof tarmacbut, as I climbin behind
the broadfour-spokewheeland dropinto the
hip-huggingbucketseat,my mindis conjuring
the famousItalianrace and that epic 18-hourtest.
Authenticallyrestoredrightdownto the Jaeger
clockthatLuranifittedto the dashand the
distinctiveMarchalfoglightsthat Briggstracked
downin Holland,number39 is a fine testament
to the teamthat developedit in just 20 weeks.
“Don’t be afraidto use the revs,”encourages
BriggsbeforeI tear off downthe shaded,damp
driveway. Aftera few runs,I’m totallysmitten
withthis 1087ccmarvel.TheENV75 pre-
selectorgearboxis a joy to workvia the stubby
lever, allowingyou to keepbothhandson the
wheelthroughcornersbeforedippingthe pedal
to engagethe next ratioand lettingthat sweet
blown ‘six ’ eage rly poweraway. From3000rpm,
the enginereallysings,accompaniedby a
gorgeouslycrispexhaustcrackleas it delivers
its addictivemid-rangepunch.
The’box makesthe K3 an easy car to drive
and, with the sure-footedhandlingof the sturdy
chassis,it’s superbfun to blastalongHowe’s
hometest track.The steeringlacksprecision,
but the neutralbalanceand revvymotorcontin-
uallyinspire.The brakesare strong,and only the
roughersectionscausethe MG to skip about.
Sittinglow insidethe cockpit,the superblybuilt
K3 feelsmoremodernthanits age – the close
proximityof treesis all that limitsmy speedin
this wonderfulthoroughbred.
Considerthat Howehad alreadyownedthe
greatestpre-warsportsand racingcars, and you
cometo realisehowspecialthe K3 was to
engagehis interest.Nuvolari,Eyston,Birkin
and RichardSeamanwerealso fans,whichsays
it all aboutthis marvellousmachine.
andbrake adjuster;twin